Friday, March 25, 2005

The final test - It has to be!!

As YL woke up, he whispered into my ears, “ remember to do your test at the first pee!!” Oh, what a "romantic" thing to say first thing in the morning….but thanks for the reminder!! =)

I laid around for a while and then stood up….As soon as I stood up, I had the urge to pee (seems that I have been peeing a lot these days!). Did the pee, brought it to YL and he dip the test stick in ….

Once again, we stare at the stick in anticipation….we saw the urine liquid travel up within its plastic enclosure….then we saw one thick red line developing, and than another faint pink line next to it! Its faint, but lots stronger than yesterday’s…..and in YL’s word, “I think we’ve struck lottery!!

Gulp!! We’re really pregnant??!!

Went over to Ros’s place to babysit Ruth as Ros and Dave went to the obstetrician for her final check-up. Ros looked excitedly at both test sticks (I brought them over to have her professional opinion on them), and she said that both indicated positive results!! She gave me a big hug and together with Dave, congratulated us on the blessing from God!!

Still getting on grips with the news…I proceeded to call the clinic for a change in prescription…the doctor called back and told me to come over to collect it and also told me to make another appointment with her to discuss about the pregnancy and the follow-up!

Chatted with AK later, and she was sooo happy for us…I told her that its still very bizarre to be congratulated, as the news has not quite sunk in…i keep fearing that I will see my menses the next time I go to the loo!! AK said that we can discuss and register for Primary One schooling for our kids together…and YL mentioned last night that if its true, our kids can become good playmates!! Haha!

Now, just need to pray for a right time to call parents tomorrow…hope that they will not be overly excited!

Shared with cg tonight…basically decided that its not too early to tell them because these are our spiritual brothers and sisters whom we trust to pray with us through the whole pregnancy. The girls were really happy for us…Marion prayed for me and thank God for giving life and blessing us with the child that is growing within me…I was touched, and for the first time, it finally occurred to me that this is not about being pregnant but about a life growing within me and that both YL and myself would be responsible for, to some extent!

Had a somewhat emotional time before I went to sleep. I supposed I am still getting used to the idea that there is someone growing inside me, given that there is not much physical symptom. And after Marion’s prayer, I was finally “awakened” to the idea. And I got really excited about it and anxious at the same time.

I really cherish the child that is growing in me…and that at this stage, whether its psychological or spiritual, already feel a “mother-child” connection. I was really thankful to God for the blessing and than suddenly panicked. I shared with YL my fears. What if there are problems in the whole pregnancy? Now that is a big question. Having just got use to the idea of a life growing in me, I cannot imagine the scenario where the life is lost. I was quite upset and really prayed to the Lord to protect the child. I know that it is God who gives life and it is up to God to decide what happens. And I want to trust in the Lord’s goodness and sovereignity.

It suddenly occurred to me, where was Sarah when Abraham brought Issac up to the mountains as an act of surrender to the Lord?? Did Sarah know about Abraham’s decision? If so, what was she feeling? How can she bring herself to surrender, too? I’ve absolutely no idea…but I know I am quite a far way from surrendering to God regarding this myself, and that I need to begin doing so.

Help me, God.

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