Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chek Jawa

Can u believe it ? We went to Chek Jawa with a 16 month old tod waddling through the mangrove swamps! Its his first overseas trip (across the straits of malacca??) to Pulau Ubin.

We took a guided tour of this beautiful natural habitat of thousands of sea was an eye opening. We were dressed for the tour, which required us to trod too lots of mud... dressed isaac in wellington boots, YL wore his army Gortex boots whilst i wore my pair of $7 female fishmonger boots...all looking very glam! : )

Isaac was very good...though it was around his afternoon nap time, he gamely trod with us through most of the trip, only to succumb to the ZZZZZzzzzzzzz monster towards the last 15 minutes of the one hour trip. : )

Anyway, here's a quick collage of some of the things that we saw at CJ!