Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Chinese New Year Day 2

We visited various relatives on YL's side, and at noon, we proceeded to Aunt Letitia's home for a sumptuous lunch. Here's some of the photos we took whilst we were there...

Isaac having a photo taken with his Grand-Aunty Letitia, Great-Grandma and Granny!

A family portrait with daddy, mummy, 奶奶 (granny) and 爷爷 (grandpa) ...

A funny photo of Isaac with papa and his cousins and uncles! Uncle Boo Chuan was trying hard to control Isaac's cousins Glory and Joel, whilst Uncle Robin attempted to calm cousin Nicholas down! As for Isaac, he seemed more interested in sucking his hand (a new found habit)! But he did give his papa a much easier time compared to what his cousins did to their papas!! :)

YL - "Found this CNY especially "xiong" because of all the logistics that comes with a baby (stroller, change of clothes, extra diapers, etc.)...but also especially meaningful as we found precious time to catch up with all our relatives. An additional bonus was that whenever we brought Isaac to a place, there would be so much oohs and ahhs from the relatives and friends, all commenting on how adorable Isaac was! I had to try hard to subdue the fatherly pride that keeps welling up from within my heart!!"


Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese New Year Day 1

Woke up especially early today in order to get Isaac washed and dressed and fed before leaving the house for breakfast at YL's family's place. There was a breathe of excitement in the air as the little boy tried hard to stare out of the car from the comfort of his throne (the baby seat), not accustomed to taking a ride in papa's car so early in the morning. Upon reaching his grandparents' place, he was greeted with oohs and ahhs by the family, all commenting how grown up he looked in his baby polo bodysuit (it was the one that we bought for him from Baby Gap in UK!).

Thereafter, we travelled to Sze's family home to 拜年 (pai nian) and then move on with her family to visit various relatives' homes. Isaac's grandparents had a proud time showing him off to the relatives, and everyone wanted to carry the little babe! At the end of the day, Isaac was blessed with quite a lot of 红包 (hong baos), but he ended up pretty exhausted too!!

The little babe was blessed with the first 红包 (hongbao) of the day by daddy and mummy!! It was pretty early in the morning, so he dozed off quite quickly after taking his breakfast!

Say 恭喜恭喜 (gongxi gongxi) to 奶奶 (grandma)!!

Family photo with 外公(wai gong) and 外婆(wai po)

Isaac being changed after he "puut puut" (yes, we brought additional diapers along the way to change at relatives' home)... Look how happy he was having been cleaned!

A hectic but happy day out with daddy and mummy ...

...and now its time to rest on daddy's tummy...Zzzzzzzz

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Chinese New Year Eve

Reunion Lunch at Sze's parents' place...look at the yummy food on the table.... too bad Isaac has to be contented with only Mummy's milk for now! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Isaac is laughing more and more these days (living up to his name!!) and he has also begun to communicate with us through baby talk!!

His current vocab are as follow:
"anggg" "ahhh" "brrrre" "haaa" "woooo" "gaarrrr" "giiir" "errrrr" ...

Yes Isaac, papa and mama "ahhh ahhh, wooo wooo, gaarrr gaarrr" too!!
[translated "love u very much"!!]


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Our considerate boy

YL has been away on overseas meeting since saturday. He's called home and smsed several times to say how much he has missed his little boy...

Meanwhile, his little boy has been very considerate to mummy, knowing that mummy is alone at night taking care of his night feeds. So, little Isaac has been waking up at 3-4 hours intervals as opposed to 1.5-2 hours intervals previously!!

Thank you, my dear boy. :O)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Our utmost appreciation to our supportive families...

YL and myself have always had close bonds with members of our families. We appreciate them for their love and their support in all that we do. The appreciation index was however knotched up many levels after we had Isaac.

To begin with, Sze's mum took charge of the "confinement period". Even though she had no experience, she read up on confinement recipes and sought the advice of YL's mum (who had previously helped out with YL's sister confinement) on what she should take note of during the period to ensure that Sze recovers quickly from the delivery and that Isaac grows up healthily during the first month. Sze's dad also helped to go to the market during the week to purchase fresh ingredients for Sze's confinement diet. As we lived in Sze's parents' home during the confinement period, both her parents also took turns to take care of Isaac when Sze was resting and when YL was at work.

Between helping to take care of YL's sis's kids (Joel and Glory), YL's parents also shuttle to and fro their home to Sze's parents' place to help out with the confinement menu as well as to help purchase necessities such as additional diapers for Isaac!

In addition, our parents and even siblings continued to help out in caring for Isaac after the first month. For example, when we need to run errands or just to have "couple-time" together, they would selflessly volunteer to help to watch over Isaac!

YL, myself and little Isaac are certainly blessed to receive such love and practical help from our families!