Friday, March 24, 2006


Sent Isaac for his second 5-in-1 jab yesterday. The chap was a star! He was amazingly brave, whimpering aloud for only a few seconds when the needle was plunged into his thigh, and then immediately broke into a huge grin once again. When he got out of the doctor's room, he was even in the mood to smile broadly at one of the "aunties" outside, waiting to see the doctor!

But he woke up this morning with a low-grade fever of 37.9 degrees (yes, for children, their temperature is higher than for us adults. So anything between 37.3-38.3 degrees is considered "low-grade"!).

We were not overly worried as we have been told that children who go for such vaccination jabs often gets fever as a response to the jabs. And his doc had prescribed him some fever medication for standby during his first jab (though he ended up not getting fever then). So, we have it at hand to administer to him quickly.

Thank God, Issac was also not overly cranky. He was so good natured that we brought him out to a family dinner at night where he got to entertain (and be entertained by) his various uncles and aunties as well as his grand-uncles and grand-aunties and his great-grandma! :)

Feverish Isaac in papa's arms...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Weight update

7.4kg at 4th month!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Infant oral thrush!!

"Mouth pain pain..."

Opps! We discovered that Isaac has been infected with infant oral thrush!!

No wonder the normally huge appetite baby was struggling with his bottle feed over the past few days...the bottle tit must have made suckling very painful when one has a mouth full of uncomfortable white fungal!

Despite all the discomfort, Isaac was still incredibly good nature...readily dispensing his huge smiles, and only crying when it was around feeding time or during the nights when he can't seem to sleep well.

Thankfully, his condition was discovered by Sze's mum when she was babysitting him. Shocked at the sight of the white thrush in his mouth (which looked like giant mashes of beancurds!), she quickly alerted us. In the end, YL's dad fetched her and Isaac to the doc. Isaac was prescribed Daktarine Oral Gel (orange flavour for infants!!). It was quite a funny sight when the cream was first applied to a visibly distressed Isaac. Suddenly, his teary eyes widened after tasting the gel in his mouth, broke out into a huge smile and proceeded to lick around his lips, seemingly to say "yum yum!!" He kept staring at that tube of cream thereafter, as if to plead for more of the cream to relief his pain. :)

Well, just wanna' give thanks that the cream seems to have worked wonders, and Isaac is now on the road to full recovery! :)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

First squeals!

First a smile...
then a chuckle...
and now he is squealing in delight!
Its the first time that we've heard him laugh out so loudly!
Isaac is indeed behaving true to his name -
he loves to laugh!

[p/s: We might be just a laugh to you...
but as with most parents,
we take delight in every little development of our little one!]
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Another happy saturday morning!

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18 days after the "shave"...

18 days after the shave...
his hair growth has taken on a rather strange pattern...
lots on the top and rather little at the sides...
Just the other day, a stranger told me that I'm such a funky parent,
thinking that I've chosen to give Isaac such a cool Mohican haircut!
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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Baby Fair

Together with Sze's mum, we brought our little one to the Baby Fair at Expo Hall 5B today. It was quite an eye-opener...there were soooooooooooo many parents with kids and expecting kids around! We had planned well. Instead of going for our stroller, we wisely opted to carry Isaac around with our BabyCarrier instead so as not to obstruct the traffic!

We had actually pre-planned our purchases. The idea was to go to the fair and get lots of Pampers "Fit & Dry (M size)" as well as Pigeon nursing pads and baby wipes. BUT, both Pampers and Pigeon did not seem to be represented at the Fair at all! Well, I guess premieum brands do not need to spend $$ to occupy exhibition space!

Nevertheless, we went around the hall, looking at the exhibits. YL was particularly intrigued by this Formula Milk Dispensing Machine called "Milk Expresso". But we were not about to spend $300+ on a machine like that... :)

Sze and her mum got Issac some toys instead...

There was a HSBC-sponsored/subsidisesd baby photo shooting service, for HSBC members (papas and mamas). Being a HSBC member, Sze's mum was keen to get Issac professionally "shot". So we paid $3 for a brief photo-session. YL captured some shots of the process:

Will upload the original shot later, as Sze's mum has kept the photo! :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

100th Day Celebration: Episode 2

As per the Hock Ann tradition of celebrating a baby's "hundredth day", following the total shave, Isaac got to sample some yummy adult food cooked specially for him:
a) Chicken drum stick;
b) Duck drum stick;
c) Big prawn; and
d) Fried Fish fillet!

...This was to symbolise that he would have the fortune in future to eat 大鱼大肉 (i.e. be prosperous and enjoy various food delicacies!)

Of course, the little one didn't actually swallow up all that food. He was rather amused and proceeded to lick them, at first cautiously, and then with much enthusiasm!! :)

The good part about this? Us parents got to finish up the yummy food for him! ;)

[p/s: The photos here were shot with sze's Nokia 3230 camera phone (whereas the ones on the 100th day shave were shot with sze's Canon DSLR 300D). Though the effective resolution of the camera phone was only 1.23 megapixels, we thought the photos came out quite clear (as long as we keep the images small)...!]