Saturday, December 31, 2005

Father and son time

 Isaac classes on how to be a music conductor

...playing Chopin to Isaac

... being sleepyheads together!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Nursed Isaac for the first time in public at Furama Hotel after a dim sum lunch. He is a noisy and impatient drinker...made lots of noise as he suckled... so I was a little embarassed!

Brought Isaac out shopping for the first time. Not a good idea...strollers and crowds don't go well together!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

First church outing for Isaac

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration in church this morning. Got up especially early to bath Isaac and prepare him for his first church outing (yes, we were both recently liberated from my postnatal confinement, remember?). YL had to go to church early, because he had rehersal for the church worship and outreach event (he was playing the keyboard).

There were so many children in church today! Not only the children of fellow adult church members, there were also a lot of visitors, many of whom were children. Isaac basically slept through worship and the kids' skit but woke up or milk just when the kids outreach video cartoon began. Thereafter, I spent most of the time outside the meeting room with other nursing mommies, and received a lot of tuition on how to parent and take care of Isaac's needs. Can u believe it? Within 2005, there were already 6 babies borned amongst the church congregation!! It was quite a sight today, seeing all the prams lined up!

Isaac received several christmas gifts from the different uncles and aunties in church. But he was oblivious to that. Instead, Isaac took great interest in the bright lights in the ceiling, as well as those on the huge Christmas tree just outside the meeting room and stared and stared at them!

A photo after church with our good friends - Chye Hee & Aik Kor, as well as their little princess, Natalie (at 3+ months), who is also going to become Isaac's playmate!! :)

Merry Christmas to all!!!

YL, myself and little Isaac would like to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas. We continue to remind ourselves that the reason for the season is Christ and we rejoice in His love for us. May u all experience God's love in your hearts too, in a very special way.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas eve

Our family spent Christmas eve with YL's extended family, enjoying a sumptuous meal cooked by YL's sis, Christel.

We returned home pretty early (for Christmas eve) by 9.30pm. Unlike the past three years, we did not spend Christmas gallavanting in the streets of a European country, enjoying a white or icy Christmas, or drinking mulled wine. And unlike the years before that in Singapore, there was no Christmas countdown with friends or participating in any external Christmas celebration. Because this year, we have Isaac with us, a little baby which we realised, should not be overly stimulated at night, so that he can have a good night sleep.

Well, we believe this is a temporary adjustment that we have to make, but one which would not stop us from feeling thankful for Christmas, or celebrating the birth of our Saviour in our hearts. And one day, may Isaac be genuinely thankful for Christmas too, not because he thinks that Santa is coming to town to deliver him a gift, but because he understands that he has already received the gift of Christ and God's love in his heart.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

vital statistics

At one month, Isaac currently measures about 54cm and weighs approximately 4.5 kg.

Since birth, he has already gained approx 5cm in height and 1.2kg in weight....

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

One Month Old Today!!

In celebration of Isaac's full month (yes, time flies, he's already one-month old!!), we gave the traditional elements of "cakes + ang ku kuahs + red eggs" to our elders and relatives. For our friends, we chose the modern and convenient method of sending them Bengawan Solo cake vouchers.

We wanted to let our friends and relatives who might not have the opportunity to meet Isaac yet to be able to have a preview of our little boy. As such, we designed a photo card of him (as shown above) to be enclosed in each of the cake boxes/cake voucher envelops. :)

The photo shows a 3+ week old Isaac, with full blown milk rash/baby acne on his face. We decided against photoshoping away the rash/acne because that was the reality...Yes, whilst he may not look "perfect", we still love him with all our heart !! Ain't he cute?? [Parental pride gushing out...]


(p/s: Mummy is also officially out of "confinement" today!! yippy!!)

Isaac at one month old. Its a real challenge to get little Isaac to stay still for any sort of photoshoot!

Isaac and mummy with the Man Yue cake, two red eggs and the ang ku kuahs...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Injection

Took Isaac to the family doctor (who is also sze's uncle, and therefore Isaac's granduncle) today for his 2nd dose of Hep B injection... Image above summarises his mini-adventure:

a) Calm before the storm - Isaac happily playing in Papa's arm, not knowing whats about to happen!

b) Granduncle administering the injection (we wisely kept the needle out of Isaac's view)!

c) The poor boy screaming in pain (check out the tomato-like redness/flushes on his face!!)

d) The brave boy stopped crying soon and made peace with his granduncle!! :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A reminder to ourselves

I was clearing my email today when i came across one from a dear friend, SM. In the email, she wrote a sentence that really touched my heart and is possibly one of the sweetest comment that YL and myself have ever received as a couple:
While one would typically be focussing on the baby, I thought I would tell you I really find great encouragement in the continual dedication yuan liang and you have for one another. Its just so refreshing and I pray that character would be unchanging as more "arrows" are added to your household!

Thanks SM. That was indeed what was happening in the first 1-2 weeks of Isaac's arrival. Apart from caring for Isaac, we were both really concerned about one another, wondering whether we are able to cope as individuals. But recently, we have both been so tired taking care of Isaac that I realised that we seem to be chatting less and less about each other's day, whats going on in our minds, etc. Everything seems to be wrapped around Isaac.

So seeing SM's email today reminds me of the need for YL and myself to try and take time aside to care for one another as individuals too and to feed our souls (e.g. do bible study together or just go on a date together) ... basically to continue building up our relationship as husband and wife, which we believe to be the key foundation of a strong family, one which Isaac could grow up healthily and securely.

Huge appetite

Isaac has a HUGE APPETITE.... he's always crying for milk, milk and more milk...
On average, he's "asking" for milk every 1 to 1 1/2 hour, and he can drink up to 100ml every session!

oh no, my worry now is that my milk supply cannot meet his demand!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Postnatal Massage

Had the first of my one-week postnatal malay home-massage today from this gentle lady called Aunty Sue. One should really not judge a book by its cover. Although Aunty Sue seems rather small-built, her arms are really powerful!! She massaged me with lemon grass oil and as she massages, she would be on a keen lookout for all the expanded veins (due to pregnancy) on my body and tackle each one of them with her skillful massages to contract them. Also, her massages supposedly expel out any "wind" in the body so that the body relaxes and would not feel bloated.

I thoroughly enjoyed every of the 2 hour long message session. I find that it really relaxes me and at the same time serves as a much appreciated form of "escapade" from tending to Isaac. During each 2 hour session, my lovely mum would tend to Isaac, with my bottled expressed milk on standby to feed the hungry baby!). With the radio on my fav radio station (Classic FM), I would just lie on the bed (and at times shuttle in and out of dreamland), allowing Aunty Sue's strong yet gentle hands to tackle every of my tired muscle.

Aunty Sue would really massage me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes (literally!). And at the end of each massage, she would wrap my tummy tightly round and round with a very long piece of clothe, so that hopefully at the end of the week, my postnatal tummy would look much less flabby and more lean!! :)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

breastmilk is best...

Fell ill on Friday night. Think I caught mum's "runny nose" and my nose was dripping the whole night non-stop. Felt really miserable and had to pop a pill to try and stop the "tap"...was worried whether I should continue to breastfeed Isaac, in case the medication is not suitable to be "transmitted" to the new born. So, we decided to feed him the standby ready-made formula milk. Little did we know that this standby ready-made formula milk caused the little one to suffer from constipation the next day....which got him even more easily irritated and got him crying on and off the whole night!

Thank God that my runny nose was not serious and that the doc confirmed that the medication that I took was safe for breastfeeding. So I returned to breastfeed Isaac and the little one returned to a better bowel movement thereafter! So, breastmilk is best afterall!!

BTW, breastmilk is best for the following reasons (highlighted from this online article Breast-Feeding Best Bet for Babies):

a) The primary benefit of breast milk is nutritional. Human milk contains just the right amount of fatty acids, lactose, water, and amino acids for human digestion, brain development, and growth. As such, breast-fed infants have lower rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarrhea, rashes, allergies, and other medical problems than bottle-fed babies.

b) Breast-fed babies have fewer illnesses because human milk transfers to the infant a mother's antibodies to disease.

c) Sucking at the breast promotes good jaw development as well. It's harder work to get milk out of a breast than a bottle, and the exercise strengthens the jaws and encourages the growth of straight, healthy teeth.

d) Many psychologists believe the nursing baby enjoys a sense of security from the warmth and presence of the mother, especially when there's skin-to-skin contact during feeding.

In addition, breastfeeding could help the mother to lose weight as well!! While one is pregnant, the body automatically layers on extra fatty tissue so that the mother would have enough fat stores to begin and support breastfeeding. After delivery, however, if what one eat is varied and well balanced, breastfeeding can help one to lose pregnancy weight without compromising either one's health or the baby's by dieting. And one would naturally burn calories to make breast milk every time one nurse!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lessons learnt from a rather hard week...

OK. Am going to say this in all honesty (and perhaps break many people's fairytale imagination about parenting...) .
Parenting is tough...and i am only at the newborn stage! :p

Don't get me wrong. We still believe that Isaac is a gift from God and we are delighted with his presence and love him very very much. But the little one has been testing my patience lately. While he was in the womb, I had prayed that he would be someone with a pleasant and gentle disposition, but that "gentleness" seems rather elusive at the moment...

One thing is for sure. He has been endowned with really good lungs, which can be testified by his ear-piercing screaming whenever he wakes up and cries for "food" as well as his marathon-like suckling whenever i nurse him. He seems somehow to be lacking in patience... and would just continue to cry out loud till i present him with either of his "food source". And even then, there still seemed to be a lack of gratitude shown (but then again perhaps thats too much to ask for from a 2+ week old baby!). Instead, the little one would sometimes choose instead to take his time to lick the "food source" like a connoisseur, slowly tasting the milk, taking his time to gurgle a little in his mouth before finally proceeding to suckle at it!! This is all fine if it is done in the day when mummy is much more energised and awake, but imagine it done at 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am...during the night feeds! Also, the little one doesn't understand that sometimes Mummy has his interest in her heart when she withhold giving him too much milk at one go, choosing to take some time off in between each suckling to burp him, so that he doesn't end up suffering with wind in his tummy. What does he do instead? Yes, he decides to protest by "screaming even louder" ("I want my food nooooooooow"!!!).


So every morning after waking up and evening before sleeping, I would pray that God would slowly help us to impart in the little one the Fruits of the Spirit (as spelt out in the book of Galatians in the Bible - love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness & self-control), particularly that of "patience". Through this, we are also beginning to empathise a little more with how God must be feeling about us. We are just like little Isaacs. We often lack patience and keep pounding on God's door to ask him to "give us this and give us that and give them to us NOW!!!" It is easy to sing the beautiful song "In His Time", but how many of us truly appreciate the lyrics "He makes alll things beautiful in His time"? Waiting is something that doesn't come naturally to most people, especially waiting upon God to hear of His words and to understand the value of Him knowing what is best for us.

Another important lesson that I am beginning to understand is that while the little one may test our patience to the extreme (imagine sleep-deprived mum trying to hurry son through the numerous night feeds...), it is unthinkable for us to ignore his needs and his cries for help (or food) 'cos we love him too much. Same thing with God. Whilst He may get "fed-up" sometimes with our numerous complaints and even us ignoring him, truely, He has said that "Never will I leave u nor foresake u" (Deut 31:6)!!