Saturday, April 21, 2007

Went for check up at gynea today with yl, isaac and stroller...

We were looking at all the little kids that filled the waiting area together with their daddies and mostly pregnant mummies, and then we looked at our little isaac again. Personally, i can't help thinking that isaac seems to be the cutest kid amongst them all, and the one whose smile seems to exude the greatest charm!! When i whispered that to YL, he told me that he was thinking of the exact same thought! Well, i suppose thats how biased we are as parents...but i bet all other parents think that same way of their kids, hahaha!

When it was finally our turn and we entered into the consultation room, Isaac was introduced to Dr Benjamine Tham, the person who had first held him when he was borned! Isaac was all happy with Dr Ben and kept smiling at him, until he saw Dr Ben put some gel on mummy's tummy and was told to watch the tv monitor.... Bet he thought Dr Ben was up to no good to mummy (afterall, to Isaac, only he and Daddy are allowed to see mummy's belly button!), and he became all protective and screamed at Dr Ben! : ) Dr Ben then had to take some time off, and blew Isaac a "ballon" made from his disposable medical rubber glove in order to calm the little one!

What did we see in the monitor? one heartbeat. yay!

See u little little one, sometime in Dec...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Beethovan vs. Mozart

Isaac has become hooked onto Beethovan's Symphony No. 5, and specially the first movement because of its loud and upbeat and dramatic tempo ! He'll shake his head as well as point his finger up and down to the music, as if he is a conductor!

Now, I've heard of some fathers complaining that their children do not support the same football team as they do...e.g. "I can't understand why my children insist on supporting Manchester United, when they should have supported Chelsea like me, lah!!"

Today, I hear Yuan Liang saying something similar, "I am so disappointed that Isaac is more of a Beethovan fan than a Mozart fan (like me)!" : )

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Update on Isaac's Vocab (16 months)

pa4 pa4 = his dad (YL)
ma1 ma1 = his mum (Sze)
ye2 ye2 = his paternal grandpa (evolved from 'pa4 pa4 ye2'!)
nai1 nai1 = his paternal grandma
ma4 ma4 = his maternal grandma
jie3 jie1 = he affectionately calls his cousin Glory "sister"
mei4 mei4 = he affectionately calls his little cousin Josie "sister"

p/s: Sze's dad is obviously gutted that his beloved grandson has yet to learn to call him "Gong Gong", though he probably knows that little Isaac loves him no less than others, judging from the way the little tod jumps on him whenever he sees him! : )

Nan1 Nan2 = milk
Wou4 Wou4 = doggie
Mum Mum = food
Car = car
Car park =carpark

Mwah (!) = kiss
Bye = Bye

Obviously, you would note that he has not quite gotten the pronounciation right for some of the words (particularly relations), and his vocab for most of the objects are via association (e.g. sounds, etc). : )