Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A reminder to ourselves

I was clearing my email today when i came across one from a dear friend, SM. In the email, she wrote a sentence that really touched my heart and is possibly one of the sweetest comment that YL and myself have ever received as a couple:
While one would typically be focussing on the baby, I thought I would tell you I really find great encouragement in the continual dedication yuan liang and you have for one another. Its just so refreshing and I pray that character would be unchanging as more "arrows" are added to your household!

Thanks SM. That was indeed what was happening in the first 1-2 weeks of Isaac's arrival. Apart from caring for Isaac, we were both really concerned about one another, wondering whether we are able to cope as individuals. But recently, we have both been so tired taking care of Isaac that I realised that we seem to be chatting less and less about each other's day, whats going on in our minds, etc. Everything seems to be wrapped around Isaac.

So seeing SM's email today reminds me of the need for YL and myself to try and take time aside to care for one another as individuals too and to feed our souls (e.g. do bible study together or just go on a date together) ... basically to continue building up our relationship as husband and wife, which we believe to be the key foundation of a strong family, one which Isaac could grow up healthily and securely.


Anonymous said...

Have you been busy dating your hubby then? cuz

The Lims said...

Haha...we're slowly getting there. We start with calling each other in the day at work/home to find out how we're doing...and we're gonna' go on a quick date to the shopping mall tonight! :)