Wednesday, December 21, 2005

One Month Old Today!!

In celebration of Isaac's full month (yes, time flies, he's already one-month old!!), we gave the traditional elements of "cakes + ang ku kuahs + red eggs" to our elders and relatives. For our friends, we chose the modern and convenient method of sending them Bengawan Solo cake vouchers.

We wanted to let our friends and relatives who might not have the opportunity to meet Isaac yet to be able to have a preview of our little boy. As such, we designed a photo card of him (as shown above) to be enclosed in each of the cake boxes/cake voucher envelops. :)

The photo shows a 3+ week old Isaac, with full blown milk rash/baby acne on his face. We decided against photoshoping away the rash/acne because that was the reality...Yes, whilst he may not look "perfect", we still love him with all our heart !! Ain't he cute?? [Parental pride gushing out...]


(p/s: Mummy is also officially out of "confinement" today!! yippy!!)

Isaac at one month old. Its a real challenge to get little Isaac to stay still for any sort of photoshoot!

Isaac and mummy with the Man Yue cake, two red eggs and the ang ku kuahs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's settled into a perfect combination of you and Yuan Liang! cuz