Thursday, November 30, 2006

Gaining understanding

In the mornings, we usually lay Isaac on his bassinet before giving him his milk bottle. When he finishes drinking it, he would usually just leave the empty bottle on the bed, and stand up and shout for attention (i.e. his way of telling us that "I'm done!").

I was so tired that i was lying on bed next to his bassinet this morning and taking a wink before he popped his head up from the bassinet, and baby-talked to me. I turned around, smiled at him and asked him "Are you already done with your milk? Show mummy the bottle?", not expecting him to react rationally to my question at all...

Lo and behold! The babe squat down, picked up his empty bottle and pass it over to mummy (well, actually its more like threw it over the bassinet to me!).

Am amazed...He could actually understand and respond to us! : )

Note: To us, this is a key development milestone!

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