Saturday, November 18, 2006


Its been a long time since I updated the blog. Have been swarmed with work and spending more time playing with Isaac, that its difficult to find time to updated the blog.

Since the last time the blog was updated, some developments in Isaac:

a) He has developed FOUR full teeth (two upper ones and two lower ones)....and he enjoys utilising them to munch on his food, bite his apples and pears and bananas, as well as attacking his great-grandma with his sharp sharp teeth (naughty naughty!!)

b) He can call "papapapapa" and "mamamamama"

c) He can stand up steadily by himself for quite a while, and walk with our hands holding his hands or with some help from his toddler's push cart/trolley.

d) He can tap at his chest twice, as an indication of "please, may I... (e.g. have more biscuits)"?

e) He can clasp his hands and move up and down when we say "gongxi gongxi"

f) He can wave "bye bye" automatically, when we say "bye bye"

g) He can do the action to this cantonese phrase/poem called "Dim2 Chong3 Chong2"

And today, he successfully sucked on a straw to get at the Yakult yoghurt drink (yummy)!

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