Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Oh Shit!

Nope, we're not cursing....just that we've been seeing so much shit for the past few days that we got a little carried away.... :)

U see, Isaac was down with fever and cough last thurs. He was prescribed a dose of antibiotics. Since it kicked in (thank God his fever disappeared rather swiftly, and there were only remnant bits of cough now and then), he's been having diarrhea since dawn on Sunday....The diarrhea went on continuously for more than 24 hours, and we've been changing diapers and wiping his bum countless times since. Everytime we changed a diaper and prop him up, we would hear the sound of "poooooooooohing"...

The continuous poohing had reduced the ever hyperactive and bubbly chap to become a rather subdued yet still bubbly and smiley "lamb". Yep, thank God for Isaac's good-naturedness.

The diarrhea probably resulted from the antibiotic, which served to eradicate not only the bad bacteria that was within him, but also the good ones. As a result, there was insufficient good bacteria to help him break down and digest his food properly, which led to the diarrhea. Anyway, we discovered three things in the process:

a) Apart from diapers, BABY WIPES are essential standby items during this time, cos it can get very messy!!!

b) RICE DREAM : We took Isaac off formula milk (his usual supplement) and even breast milk (just to play safe...we kiasu), and fed him Rice Dream instead. This is essentially a Non-dairy (therefore lactose free) alternative to milk made from organically grown rice. It requires less work from his digestive system and reduce the diarrhea.

c) ACIDOPHILUS: Acidophilus is a powder form of the normal, friendly bacteria that live in our intestines (called flora). Our intestinal flora helps regulate our digestion and stool patterns. Yeast also lives in our intestines. The yeast and the bacterial flora are constantly competing for space, and generally they keep each other in check. Sometimes, however, our bacterial flora can get depleted, such as when taking antibiotics, which can lead to diarrhea. Taking acidophilus replenishes our bacterial flora and reduces overgrow of yeast. So, what we did was to mix about a third of a capsule of acidphilus (given that Isaac is only a baby) to the Rice Dream drink that we would heat up for him and feed him with that...

Well, we're glad to report that his stools has began to take on various little shapes now...no longer the mashes of dung that we had been so accustomed to seeing on his diaper...which means that he is on the road to recovery!!! And yes, his hyperactivity has returned too (he even joined in his Daddy's birthday celebration last night!)... :)

.... our "best friend"!

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