Sunday, July 16, 2006

Catch up time

Been about a month since I'd last found time to blog... Work has been so busy and family commitments sometimes also prevent me from finding time to just squeeze in those one or two liners or to upload that one or two significant photos.

Both Isaac and his Daddy decided to turn in relatively early tonight, so I thought I'll squeeze in sometime to mass-blog. Documenting Isaac's growing up and us three growing together as a family is really such a joy...every time I see those photos that I shot of Isaac or his Daddy or that of him and his grandparents, really brings a smile to my face. This boy is such a jovial nature by character. He has his quirks sometimes, and even 'terrorises' us to a certain extent with his antics, but at the end of the day, we can't help but laugh with him.

Just yesterday, I was on our bed trying to feed Isaac his milk. Bless him, he had been down with fever and a bout of cough for the past few days, and so had been feeling rather unwell and understandingly, his usual appetite was missing (BTW, just a note that he was weighing 8.9kg two days' ago at the Doc's, even though he was ill!) . I was trying to feed him breast milk that had been expressed earlier. As its already been more than 7 months since I had given birth to Isaac, the milk production has expectedly dropped a fair bit. As such, every bit of milk expressed would be precious. However, the boy just refused to drink his milk. I got quite tired of trying to coax him to drink and lay back on the bed in frustration, giving him my exasperated look (i.e. mouth pursed down). The little boy looked at me, and then gave me his signature huge smile, crawled up to my body and then used his hand to pat on my chest.... As I watched him crawl towards me with that grin on his face, I just couldn't stay upset with him for long, and in fact burst out laughing!

And for YL, he has been such a star Daddy. Really thankful that he chose to be an involved Daddy, ready to wake up in the wee hours of the night to help give Isaac his water (Isaac drinks loads of water!!), or to just change his diaper, etc. He is the one who bathes Isaac in the weekends, and it is really quite hilarious sometime to see him trying to teach Isaac piano....Isaac just bangs on the piano, and to YL, thats already music to his ears!

Thank you God, for blessing us with so much laughter as a family. Amen.

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