Tuesday, October 25, 2005


With Bambino due in about a month's time, we thought that we should start researching on baby products. We are blessed with YL's sis - Christel, who is passing us several stuffs which her son Joel and daughter Glory have used (and outgrown), such as playpen/bassinet, bath basin, and several baby clothings.

We just went to two big baby supermarkets in an industrial park in Kaki Bukit yesterday night to research on baby car seats and strollers... It was really 大开眼界 for us as the salesperson patiently explained to us the various versions and models and what we should consider in making our decision on what to buy. The prices were also "eye-popping"...the strollers can cost anything from less than S$50 to S$700!!! And the car seats could also cost between S$70s to S$400+!

Well, YL was insisting on keeping the cost reasonable and taking into account the practical aspects of the products, whilst my pregnant mind got rather excited about the potential of the various "cool-looking" models! :)

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