Thursday, May 24, 2007

Back at work

Decided to return to office after a week's rest.

Found difficulties kickstarting my momentum at work though. Having been away from office for a week (though I still logged from home to clear some work), being in office just seems so overwhelming suddenly! This is especially so in my current operational HR post where there are daily cases and "fires" to deal with and personnel issues to be concerned about.

Was sharing with a friend that I suddenly found it really difficult to keep my spirits and positiveness up. Yet at the same time, I was subconciously trying to keep up with a positive front. Don't wanna get the people around me worried nor affect them!

After spending a week at home with Isaac and seeing how he gets all excited seeing that mummy is at home and keeps coming to me for me to play with him or just to ask for some hugs and kisses, work somehow seems so much less meaningful! But of course that is what the heart my mind, i was reminded how the current Ops stint is a meaningful one when i think of the people that come to speak to me about their concerns and how we try to help them in terms of achieving their career aspirations whilst balancing organisational needs.

Sigh. Hopefully I get my momentum back next week!

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