Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve Celebration at Church

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration at church. Apart from a beautiful worship session filled with Christmas carols, and the kids putting up a skit on the true meaning of Christmas, we also screened a children animation called "The Gift". Thereafter, Pastor Adrian gave a sermon message whilst the kids were brought to a room where they had a fun and exciting time of games!

We were so tired after that. My hands were aching as i was the photographer for that day. YL was also tired as he was playing the guitar and thereafter he was tasked to take care of Isaac whilst Isaac's mum went around snapping pics! But it was all worth it. We had a couple of friends and family members accepting Christ that day! PRAISE GOD! In addition, all of us, be it the little children or us older adults had a lovely time fellowshipping with one another! There was so much job and laughter as we rejoice over the celebration of God's gift to us - the birth of Christ!

Images of the day's event may be found in the Riverplace Church's Flickr Chirstmas Album. I was really happy with how the photos turned out. Thank God! ; )

Merry Christmas to all!

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